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Zhihuo Shanghai Office Decoration Announcement

Released time: 2020/04/18 Read: 357

Due to business development needs, Zhihuo Shanghai Office will begin renovations from April 18, 2020, and is expected to end on May 5. Zhihuo Software, Zhihuo Design, and Zhihuo Media Department work from home. Zhihuo marketing department moved to Changyang Chuanggu Zhongchuang Space for centralized office to serve customers.

During this period, related services and business undertakings will continue to operate as usual. If you have business needs, please contact Ahu (WeChat: 17891903851) and dried fish (WeChat: 17751979985) of Zhihuo Marketing Department.

If there is any inconvenience, please forgive me.

Service hotline(7*24hs)


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